Joke #24

In the old fish pond, fish started turning up dead on the shore. The fish detective, Sam Shad, was called in. He interrogated likely suspects. After getting nowhere, he met Paulie Perch, a known stoolie in the pond.

"Paulie, do you know who killed all these fish?" Det. Shad asked?

"There's been scuttlebutt from the catfish and you know how they like to carp," Paulie said.

"What are they saying?" Shad demanded!

"They're saying it was Billy Bass because he was seen hanging around the shore all suspicious like," Paulie intimated.

So Sam Shad set up a stakeout near the shore. There he spied Billy Bass lurking and sneaking up on a group of rainbow trout who were in the shade.

Just when Billy Bass was about to move on an unsuspecting fish, Sam Shad nabbed him. He knew he had his killer and it was beyond a shadow of a trout!
