Joke #18

Emily's butt-ugly cat was acting oddly and so she took her to the veterinarian's office.

"What seems to be the problem," the vet asked?
"My cat was out last night and this morning, she is acting strangely."

The vet started examining the ragamuffin of a cat. First, he looked inside the cat's ear. Then he turned her over and calmly placed his stethoscope on her belly. Then he raised her high over his head. When he did that, the cat went berserk, bristling, hissing, and arching her back defensively.

She wriggled out of his grasp and dropped to the floor, to which Emily gasped. As the cat landed, she calmed down, and laid in the corner purring.

The vet paused and then asked Emily, "Has your cat been in a tree lately?"
Emily said, "I doubt it, she's deathly afraid of heights."
The vet said, "I don't know for sure what it is, but while you cannot get a silk purse from a sow's ear, you definitely can get a sick purr from a bough's fear."
